Types of Therapy
At ThriveWell, we draw from various evidence-based approaches to customize treatment to your individual needs
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a present focused psychotherapy approach that is based on the belief that our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are all connected. CBT helps individuals to understand their automatic negative and maladaptive thought patterns and learn strategies to shift thinking in a way that improves overall well-being. CBT is effective in treating a variety of diagnoses and behavioral issues.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a cognitive behavioral, mindfulness and skills-based approach that focuses on treating difficulties with emotion regulation. Clients learn a variety of skills to more effectively identify, tolerate and cope with intense emotions that can often negatively impact various areas of life and functioning. Dialectical Behavior Therapy utilizes a combination of techniques simultaneously focused on acceptance and change to address issues with distress tolerance, impulsivity, emotion regulation and interpersonal relationships. Comprehensive DBT incorporates several treatment components. At ThriveWell our offering of DBT will not include out of session phone coaching or skills groups.
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an evidenced-based treatment that is used to assist children, adolescents and families overcome the effects of traumatic experiences. TF-CBT is a skills based model that utilizes a hybrid of trauma sensitive interventions with cognitive behavioral strategies. The aim of this treatment is to reduce children’s negative emotional, physical, behavioral and cognitive responses to trauma, and correct maladaptive or unhelpful beliefs and attributions related to the traumatic experience. Additionally, TF-CBT provides support and skills to help non-offending caregivers cope effectively with their own emotional distress and provide non-offending caregivers with skills to respond optimally and support their children.
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Cognitive Processing Therapy is a trauma-focused psychotherapy designed to treat symptoms that may develop after experiencing a traumatic event. CPT explores individuals' thoughts and belief systems about their experiences that may be inaccurate or unhelpful. The therapist supports the client with learning how to challenge these beliefs and develop a new understanding and conceptualization of their traumatic experience, leading to a reduction of the on-going negative effects the event has on the individuals’ present life.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is an evidence based psychotherapy that focuses on acceptance as a way to deal with negative thoughts, feelings, symptoms and situations. The goal of this therapy is to help clients accept their struggles instead of trying to control or eliminate these experiences. ACT encourages clients to face problems head on rather than avoiding. ACT is effective for treatment of a wide range of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and OCD and is also effective as a way to increase self worth and self- determination.
Mindfulness Training
At ThriveWell, we believe mindfulness training is an integral part of treatment. Mindfulness at its core, is being fully present and aware of the moment without judgment or worry. Through mindfulness training, we help our clients achieve moment to moment awareness of what’s driving their distress. Mindfulness helps clients find balance, kindness, and meaning in their lives. While incorporated in many of the above modalities, it can be tailored to meet the client’s needs and experience level.
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational Interviewing is an evidence based approach to behavior change that is based on partnership and collaboration between therapist and client. This model of treatment emphasizes that individuals are the expert in their own lives. The focus is on empowering clients to work through the stages of change through exploration of their own beliefs about what is important and beneficial in their lives.